Rustic Green has a rich vegetation, forested areas and a significant number of marble beds for export.
It is determined that the formation environment is not “lacustrine”, but a “marine" fosil environment. Due to the high pressure created by the marine formation environment, Eflani stone exhibits superior strength and durability compared to other limestones.
Another common feature of the same marine environment is the homogeneity of the Eflani stone, even if larger than 1 meter can be processed. The structural orientation in the texture arrangement and the traces of sedimentation in the marble called "waterway“ are interpreted as "wave traces“ in the marine environment.
Eflani Stones, which are formed in a live reef environment and sea conditions of millions of years ago, decorate the buildings on my day; With their unique physical features, styles, views and living stories, they add value and value to our spaces.
- Polished surface applications
- Flamed surface applications
- Hammered surface applications
- Sandblasted surface applications
- Honed surface applications
- Brushed surface applications
Microscopically the sample contains of %75 intact and fragmented fossils (ca 75% larger Foraminifera such as Nummulities, Assilinia, Algea, etc.) embedded in a fine grained carbonate matrix (ca 17%). The micritic matrix is partly replaced by sparry calcite cyrsals. Green pellets (up to 0.7mm in size) of glauconite reaching up to %3 contain medium-well rounded quartz (ca 4%) and feldspar (ca 1%) ocur as rock-fragments withi,n the matrix. The rock as a whole contain very rare cracks, filled with micritic calcite.